Thursday, November 12, 2020

Until the Whole World Hears  

Bethany Gateway's partner organization, "GlobeServe," collaborates with local international sending initiatives around the world. They help set up training schools for cross cultural workers to reach the unreached peoples in 'their world'. 

Kerry Olson, Bethany's international research co-ordinator (my (Steve) classmate from Bethany Global University) takes you on a virtual tour of some of these new initiatives in this just released video. We hope you will enjoy this virtual trip  around the world, seeing what God is doing through Bethany's collaboration!

Click here to view it:  

Alberta and I have begun to consult with some of these local mission initiatives' leaders to help them  develop member care for their newly trained cross cultural workers. More about that in another update. Pray for us as we engage with these new opportunities. 

Prayer Requests: 

1. The spike in Covid cases in NE Tennessee has become acute and there is a huge need for nurses. Alberta has been in touch with a nurse in our small group and is considering doing some part time work to help during this shortage. Pray for wisdom as we consider this need. 
2. Pray for Krista as she finishes up her thesis - due date is Nov. 19. The finish line is in sight!
3. Continue to pray for us to be able to be together as a family this holiday season. Heather has a flight booked to Atlanta Dec. 10. 

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 

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