Heather, and many working in the performing arts, are finding it necessary to be extremely creative in order to perform for the public - when theatres everywhere are shutdown. Heather and her theatre group, Brief Palava's, answer? Zoom a performance, what else!
Their latest work focuses on a number of the characters of the book "Endurance". This harrowing tale tells the story of explorer Ernest Shackleton's incredible voyage to Antarctica in an attempt to reach the South Pole on foot. Salty characters pop in and out of the Zoom windows, dialoguing with others in the 'window' just next door! In our last contact with Heather about the play, she and her theatre group were working on sounds and visuals to enhance the dialogue.
Pray for Heather as she applies for a new visa. Also pray for an opportunity for us to spend time together as a family over the Christmas holidays.
Prayer Requests:
1. Continue to pray for Krista as she winds up her thesis for her masters program. She will be completing it in November.
2. Pray for me and Alberta as we continue to come up to speed in Bethany's member care department. We meet weekly with members of the member care team to discuss a wide range of issues the mission is facing.
3. Pray for us as we continue to engage with our neighbors. God is giving us open doors to befriend them but we also want to be wise during Covid to protect both them and us!
Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta
ps. for anyone who would like to donate to our ministry (and are not already doing so) feel free to visit our new shiny personal donation page by clicking on the side bar link to the left at "Giving Options: Online".
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