Friday, March 12, 2021

Refining the Technology

 The IT person facilitating the Member Care class at Bethany Global University (BGU) must have been pulling his hair out last Wednesday as he tried to "beam us in" and get the video feed plugged into our Zoom call. Just as I was about to 'go live' the sound returned and this screen of the student audience appeared. Success! 

Sometimes member care is stigmatized, as though it was a weakness for a cross cultural worker to share an emotional or spiritual need. I (Steve) shared with the students from the life of David, the warrior, general and King. In Psalms 142:4 David exclaimed "I looked on my right hand and there was no man that would know me. Refuge failed me, no one cared for my soul."  Ps. 37:23-24 teach us "the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord and He delights in his way, though he fall (and we all do at one time or another) he will not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholds him with His hand." God uses us to lift up each other, such an important principle for these students to learn as they head out into cross cultural ministry. Pray for the BGU seniors as they seek to serve God in this challenging time. 

Prayer Requests: 

Pray for Heather, finishing up her last few days in Atlanta with Krista. She flies to the UK on March 16th and will be navigating various layers of Covid tests and quarantine.

Pray for me and Alberta as we continue to prepare for future classes in BGU. 

Pray for Alberta and her fellow members of the leadership team in "Equipping Women International" (Entrust) as they plan for their annual retreat in Asia. It is looking more and more like it will have to be virtual this year. 

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you could see your students this time.PRAYERS.
