Monday, April 5, 2021

Doing Something About Human Trafficking

 One of our neighbors on the 5th floor of the condo we lived in in Thailand noticed this crazy American washing his car down in the parking lot with shoes and socks on. He had to meet this guy and get the scoop on this strange custom. 

That conversation has blossomed into strong friendship with our former neighbors from Malaysia, Vincent and Helen. Vincent and I continue to stay in contact weekly as he is a member of one of the Zoom men's meetings I facilitate. 

Prior their move to Thailand, Vincent and Helen travelled, teaching and ministering encouragement to cross cultural workers similar to the ministry Alberta and I were doing in Asia. As their travels shut down last year, Helen began going out to the infamous bars of Chiang Mai to reach out to the bar girls (prostitutes). She learned that, with no tourist/customers the bar girls, with no income, were becoming desperate for the basic necessities of life. She and Vincent began putting together food boxes for 3, 5, 10 then fifty girls - who had nowhere to turn for their needs. 

What began, literally, under a tree with one girl a year ago has blossomed into Whispering Willow Ministries. Several of the girls have come to the Lord and are being discipled to reach other girls. 

Now, a year later they have leased a a portion of a building in which they are developing alternative work opportunities for the girls (sewing, making jewelry and training as professional house cleaners). 

We know that many Christians have a particular cause they are keen to be a part of. If you are interested in anti-trafficking ministry, Vincent and Helen would love to hear from you. Timing is everything in this ministry as sex tourism is on hold with Covid travel restrictions still prohibitively expensive. Pray for Vincent and Helen  as they develop resources to meet the growing demand for help. 

Prayer Requests:
1. Praise: We are thankful that Heather threaded her way through all the requirements for testing and quarantine and now is back in Glasgow. Thanks for praying. Pray for her to settle back in and discover what directing opportunities might be possible these days.
2. Pray for me, Alberta and Heather as we participate virtually in a panel discussion with Bethany Global University students Wednesday. Heather will be fielding questions on MKs (missionary kids) while Alberta and I will be taking questions about marriage and family in cross cultural context.

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 

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