Monday, June 21, 2021

                           The Sherpas of Nepal 


You'll have to take our word for it that the above message on my Zoom call to Nepal was "Greetings in the Name of Jesus"! We met a Nepali/Tib'tan pastor in 2018 in Chiang Mai during a training he attended with one of our co-workers. Recently he reached out to me (Steve) to bring a Bible teaching to their group of outreach leaders spread out across Nepal. 

Sherpas are famous for being guides and porters on mountain climbing expeditions in the Himalayas. Many of their last names are Sherpa, which is both an ethnic people group and a family name. 
However they are on God's heart as only 4 % are known to be followers of Jesus.  Amazingly, there were about a dozen that were able to zoom into our call from all over Nepal as I taught on the power of relationship to attract people to the Savior. Pray for the Sherpa outreach leaders as they bring the Gospel to highland Buddhists of Tib'tan background.

Prayer Requests

1. PraiseHeather found an App that has brought a veritable flood of applicants for roommates for her flat in Scotland. Now she needs prayer on which of the 20 plus girls she should choose to be her new roommate in Glasgow 😀! 
2. Praise - Krista's cat weathered her total tooth extraction well and is on the road to recovery. 🐈
3. Pray for us as we travel 🚗 through the Midwest up to Minnesota and North Dakota in July. We will be in MN to meet with Bethany's member care team to discuss how we can improve the care we give cross cultural workers. We will also be sharing in two churches in North Dakota to catch them up on our ministry over the past 18 months. 

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 


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