Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Laying Member Care Foundations in Nigeria

Are western mission agencies the only ones to experience high attrition of cross cultural workers? Sending cross cultural workers to other regions or nations inevitably results in attrition. Culture, language, food and socio-economic conditions are so different that many a worker finds it untenable to stay in their host country. 

Until recently, it was thought that this was mainly a western worker's dilemma. However, we are getting more and more requests from mission mobilizers in Asia and Africa who are having workers return from the mission field before completing their term of service. These leaders want us to help them understand this 'thing' called member care! 

Last week a team of us from Bethany Gateway's member care dept. taught virtually in Nigeria to masters level students from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Sudan. We shared the basics of pastoral care for missionaries being sent out cross culturally. We did a case study that was a composite narrative of a number of crises we have dealt with in the past. 

Our students were broken up into a number of groups in virtual rooms and took on the problems suggested in the case study. They brainstormed how member care in screening, preparation and orientation could have been better. Pray for these current and future mission leaders as they weigh the challenges and responsibilities of sending out members of their churches to where the Gospel has yet to gain a foothold.

Prayer Requests: 

1. Praise: Heather has a new roommate in Scotland! Thanks for praying. Pray for her as she searches for more work in her field of expertise (film, TV, theatre). 

2. Pray for me and Alberta as we leave this Friday (July 9) for a three week ministry trip to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota and North Dakota. We will visit supporters, have meetings with Bethany Gateways member care dept. and speak in two churches.

3. Pray for a neighbor friend I (Steve) recently did an introductory Bible study with. I've left it open to continue if he would like. 

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 

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