Friday, August 13, 2021

Last Minute Member Care Team Gathering 

Our Bethany member care team is spread out over the US and Canada so when the Canadian member, Kayla, mentioned she would be visiting in Minnesota in July, it got us to thinking.  Since all the rest of the team resides in the Minneapolis area, it seemed worth the effort for us to plan a visit to Bethany to coincide with hers. 

There is something about the comradery you develop in a team like ours that benefits from the face to face interaction, both formally in meetings and informally over meals or fun activities. This becomes a strength during crisis times, knowing each other deeply and be able to come alongside each other in a time of need.  Pray for our Bethany member care team as we start back up in our regular meetings on Zoom.   

Prayer Requests: 

Pray for Alberta as she and 3 others facilitate the SE Asia Equipping Women Int. training over the next 4 months. Normally they would meet in Chiang Mai but the training will be on Zoom 3 hr. a week on Monday evenings from 8-11. Also pray for Alberta's protection as she was asked to help out doing swabs in the "Covid tent" in the parking lot at the clinic she is working part time. There has been a dramatic rise in Covid cases here in TN. 

Pray for Heather as she seeks additional work opportunities in Scotland. 

Pray for me (Steve) as I mentor a young man in Chiang Mai virtually.

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta 

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