Monday, January 3, 2022

 A Double Whammy!

Two of the people we have worked with in TEAM over the last 10 years are Steven and Joan Guest. Joan was one of South Asia region's member care facilitators and Steven is a seminary professor in the Philippines and a member of a men's group I facilitate. They just finished a short furlough and traveled back to the Philippines with a brief stop in Dubai to see one of their daughters and family. Upon arrival at the airport in Cebu, Philippines both tested positive for Covid-19. Joan ended up in a quarantine hotel on the 7th floor and Steven ended up in hospital with Covid-19 pneumonia. 

Then, typhoon Rai made a direct hit on  Cebu island and blew the roof off of Joan's quarantine hotel.  Water poured in through the ceiling tiles (thankfully they quickly moved her to a fourth floor room). Now that they are back in their own apartment, please pray for them as they re-group after such an arduous journey home. TEAM has set up a benevolence fund for Steven's seminary students and their families that have lost their homes and possessions. Empathizing with the Guests after we experienced similar destruction in our years in the Philippines we sent along a gift.

If you would like to help these seminary students  and their families recover click on this link:!/donation/checkout In the text box which asks "What would you like your donation to support?" start typing Philippines and "Philippines Benevolence Fund 5N4114 will pop up. That's the fund that will help out the students. Thanks for your help. 

Prayer Requests

1. We are enjoying Heather and Krista's holiday visit. Pray for Heather's travel back to Scotland Jan. 15th. There are still a lot of travel hoops to jump through with Omicron's rise. 
2. Pray for Alberta and I as we catch up (after a holiday break) on all of our zoom meetings with men's and women's groups, Bethany's member care team and the many individuals we check in with regularly. 
3. Pray for one of our neighbors, Vivian. We have gotten to know her more and have a burden for her salvation. 

Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta

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