Re-purposing a Buddhist Temple
We continue to network with our contacts in Asia. We have a monthly pastoral care 'check in' with Omar and Shana (not their real names) in Bangladesh. Their church planting work continues to prosper.
They were searching for a venue to have a celebration for one of their growing group of believers and the only building that would fit the bill was the local village Buddhist temple. Realizing that most of them were formerly Buddhists and the other villagers had no problem with their using it, 'game on'! Praise God with us for Omar and Shana and the gentle and loving way they are bringing the Good News to the rural Ganges delta region. So often there can be conflict when the Gospel penetrates other religious cultures. Pray for their safety as they continue to establish new outreaches in this environment where there are few believers in Jesus.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for Bethany Global University Seniors as they seek the Lord about their next steps in serving Him. We have 3 more classes with them this month as they move toward graduation in May.
2. Heather's ESL / Drama job finished up last week. Pray for her as she puts in applications for a new job in Scotland this week.
3. Pray for me and Alberta as we plan a trip to Texas to visit our Bethany co-workers, Lowell and Sheri Glick. Lowell has had a recurrence of cancer and we want to support them while visiting other friends in the 'lone star' state.
Serving Christ with You, Steve and Alberta
How exciting to see the gospel being preached in that former Buddhist temple. Will Pray for Heather's applications, and of course for y'all and for Krista. Looking forward to seeing you in May!